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BLACK LESBIAN CONFERENCE 2016 (BLC2016) , the first of its kind in Harlem and the first in New York City in over 30 years welcomed over 200 LGBTQ women, allies and supporters in March 2016 to Barnard College to explore the conference's theme "The Evolution of Our Community". Presenters led sessions, workshops, discussions that were all designed for attendees to celebrate & assess our lives, connect to resources that will keep us living healthily and to explore ways to continue this important legacy-building work. View our: Conference Photos , Conference Program, and Event Recap Report.
The BLC2016 Steering Committee of Black/African descent lesbians leaders, activitsts and artists worked tirelessly to make BLC2016 a tremendous success. We give a rousing and heartfelt thanks to the committee members Katherine Bailey, Marsha Bonner, Kawana Bullock, Rhonda Otten Curtis, Wen Peguero, Stephanie Reid and Julie Worthey.
Thanks also to our generous Sponsors and Community Outreach Partners. Click their logos or names below for more information on them.
Ali Forney Center, bklyn boihood, Circle of Voices, Inc., Dollhouse Meetup, ELIXHER, Global Network of Black Pride, GO! Magazine, Griot Circle, Harlem Pride, HUGS Movement Campaign, In Our Own Voices, Lesbian Herstory Archives, LGBTQ Faith Leaders of African Descent, NYC Black Pride, NYC College of Technology's LGBTQ Initiative, NYC Commisssion on Human Rights, NYC Community Board 10 LGBTQ Task Force, Newark LGBTQ Community Center, PM-AM Productions, LLC., Rainbow Dee's Updates, Seattle Black Feminists, SWERV Magazine, S.I.S.T.A.H, ZAMI NOBLA.
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